Innovative car parks.
At Huber Parking we have more than 35 years of experience with more than 350 completed projects.
Our solutions are always tailor-made, well thought-out and long-term. And that is exactly what we mean: Huber Parking develops, implements and operates innovative and future-oriented car parks.
Car parks have become complex projects requiring a wide range of skills. At the same time, they need to be profitable here and now, cost-effective to build and maintain, and retain their value for as long as possible.
Curtain up for the new brand: Huber Parking.
Since 2024, all Huber Group companies have been operating under the umbrella of the new Huber Parking brand. The renaming is an important step for Huber Parking to visibly demonstrate to all business partners and employees what we have long been – an integrated service provider that delivers complete solutions with consolidated expertise. Dive into our new world and discover in our rebranding film how we will further expand our strengths and position ourselves even more distinctively.

Car Parks and Sustainability:
Sustainable design, construction and operation.
Energy efficiency, resource conservation, water and waste management, user comfort and health, integration of mobility solutions … There are many factors to consider when building a multi-storey car park. Sustainability requires logic and a system: at Huber Parking we think in terms of life cycles. That’s why we also build within existing structures. Our aim is always to develop future-proof solutions that retain their value in the long term.
Car Parks and Services:
Huber Parking Value Cycle.
There is a wide range of services associated with the construction of a multi-storey car park: from consulting, conception, design and execution to operation, after-sales service, modernisation and even recycling. It is up to you to decide whether you want it all or just part of what we offer. At Huber Parking, we cover the entire range of services – combined know-how and complete solutions. We are not interested in maximising short-term profits, but in long-term value retention over the entire life cycle – to the benefit of all parties involved.

Car Parks and Digitalisation:
Design, build and manage digitally.
Digitalisation offers you a wide range of opportunities for optimisation. Firstly, in digital design: digital tools such as BIM (Building Information Modeling) make construction projects much more efficient throughout the entire process right through to life cycle management. Secondly, digital forms of use are becoming increasingly important if you want to keep your car park attractive in the long term. At Huber Parking, we have extensive digital expertise. If you wish, we can implement your mobility hub of tomorrow today.
Car Parks and Flexibility:
Huber Parking Flex System.
Sometimes you need “inside the box”: as standardised and efficient as possible. More often, however, you need “outside the box”: a solution that effectively meets all your requirements. We do the former, of course – but we are virtually unbeatable when it comes to the latter. Because we always proceed systematically, even with it comes to tailor-made solutions. Huber Parking has basically turned flexibility into a system.

On to the next level – with Huber Parking.
Would you rather be close, direct and familiar – or big, important and international? Would you rather be innovative, forward-looking and future-oriented – or proven, down-to-earth and established? Huber Parking is always both and everything in between. That’s what makes us so special as a family-run company on the international stage. Those who come to us often come to stay.
Direct start.
Experienced talents
You know who you are and what you can do, you’ve already been through a work stage or two, and you’re now looking for an environment where you can really feel at home and develop your strengths over the long term?
Experienced talentsYoung talents
You have successfully completed your training or studies and can’t wait to finally put your knowledge to the test – in a company that is not too big and therefore personal, but at the same time offers orientation and a wide range of opportunities to try things out?
Young talentsApprenticeship & Dual Studies
Are you looking for a solid, future-proof apprenticeship or a well-guided dual study programme in an experienced company that cares about the next generation? We’ll give you the best possible start to your career.
Training and dual studiesInternships
Do you need ideas about where you could go and are you looking for a practical insight into an exciting area to see if it suits you? With us, you can make a profitable test run for your career.