"I learnt it all myself and grew with my tasks - I was incredibly supported in the process."

Yasemin Leylek

About Yasemin

40 years old, 3 children (1, 8 and 10 years old)

Part of Huber Parking since



Marketing Manager in Rheinbrohl


Foreign language correspondent for English and French, event manager

Particularly important to me is ...

... Have goals. You have to know what you want in order to be or become happy. For me at the moment, it's enabling a duality: I love my job, but I also love my family.

My free time ...

... doesn't really exist right now. I've always loved taking photos, but at the moment my family is taking up all my time.

If Huber Parking were an animal, it would be ...

... a beaver. Because even under difficult circumstances, it always manages to build its nest, demarcate its habitat and assert itself. Just like Huber Parking in the market.

"We got on so well straight away that we laughed a lot together."

Yasemin has things under control. She has to, with three children. Just as she “manages” her family, she also manages her job: with a sense of proportion, efficiency and a lot of love. She has mastered all her previous professional stations with this personal manner, as she was not really trained as a foreign language correspondent for English and French: event manager in Hanover, ticket manager at Phantasialand. In 2010, she moved to Neuwied for her family, looked for a job in the region – and found Huber Parking. Even the job interview was a formative experience: “When you walk in and have three people in front of you – Valentin (Rüther), Arno (Geis) and Jutta (Geis) – your heart starts racing. But then we laughed so much that I said to my husband at home: Either they laughed at me or we got on so well straight away that we all laughed together.” The latter is the case – Yasemin is accepted the very next day.

She starts as an assistant to the management, but soon provides more and more support in marketing. However, there was no actual marketing at this time. Huber Parking has 26 employees and the offices are located in an apartment block directly opposite Erwin Lötsch’s home – “where I also thought to myself at first: And they build multi-storey car parks, real multi-million euro projects?” But there are many marketing to-dos: “The car park product, if you like, is much more diverse than you might think at first: how much work is involved in a project like this, how many different people have to get involved and how it’s a new and different challenge every time.” But at Huber Parking, we cater to people and look at what each individual can do. “I always find this open culture of cooperation with an individualised view of my development potential and wishes to be something really special – that the company gives you this freedom and flexibility.”

"We have all grown and developed together."

The first child is due in 2013, followed immediately by the second. After four years away, during which Yasemin has always kept in touch with the company, she wants to return to work, but not neglect her family. Together they find a solution that suits the company, but also Yasemin and her family: first as a marketing assistant, but very soon more and more independently and finally as a marketing manager. “I never studied marketing management or event management anywhere. I learnt it all myself and was very happy that I was allowed to do it, because I always really enjoyed it.” Jutta is a great support, introducing her to the various topics and working with her to develop and expand marketing. This is also necessary, as Huber Parking now has around 160 employees: “We have all grown and expanded together. It feels good because you are part of a bigger story.” And this story is far from over.

More insights:

Leon Lacher

"BIM is of course a flagship and also makes us an interesting employer."

Dominik Webster

"When it comes to car park construction, you might ignorantly think that the subject matter is boring. But when you get to grips with it, you realise how much variety there is."

Barbara Grindley

“In all honesty: when I started, I had the impression that not one of us had a clear idea what this role was supposed to encompass.”